Stretching the Brain Muscles
I know what you’re thinking… it’s been a long time since I updated this blog. And you’d be right! However, don’t think I’ve been resting on my laurels (especially because I’m not exactly sure what that means, although I have a sneaking suspicion it has something to do with resting on previous successes).
I’ve actually been very hard at work since the last blog post, not only with my previous position but with the work I’ve been doing in the evening and on weekends. I’ve acquired some fantastic new clients and worked with my old clients; I’ve built and written websites, learned how to build an enormous ecommerce site, designed graphics, and learned new programs.
One of the great things about my new job is we’re expected to learn new things… as it’s a laboratory, knowledge and experience are part and parcel of the job description. I’ve learned how to make the most of Hubspot (every marketer’s dream, let me tell you!) and I’ve stretched my brain muscles so much that I continue to learn more very day.
It’s exhilarating to keep learning. One of the tenets I run my life by is that if you’re not learning, you’re stagnating. I find myself thinking more creatively, being more open-minded to knowledge, and using my critical thinking skills constantly. I feel like I’ve got a new lease on life.
Do you remember when you were young and still LIKED going to school? It was for gym class and lunch, sure, but chances are, if you’re like me, it was because you were learning new information. Your experiences were growing, you had new things to think about, and it wasn’t just the same thing over and over and over again.
I suppose in the grand scheme of things this isn’t a very insightful post, but I can give you this advice if you’ve been feeling like life is same ol’, same ol’, lately.
Go out. Learn new things. Get a passion you didn’t know you have. Throw yourself into it like you used to throw yourself in to your favorite pastimes. Delve deeper, learn more. Think new things.
I promise, your brain muscles will start to stretch!